Comments: Hello Caroline I am an author (beginner) and I really like your little characters... Humans, like your little girls, little boys. Would you be OK to work together on a collaborative project? Let's say between 12 and 15 drawings? if so, feel free to contact me (I'm already with an ME, so maybe you could look with us to find an agreement?) Thank you for any reply. France
Admin reply: Thank you very much for your comment ..
Added: August 8, 2023
Submitted by Name: Robyn Skinner From: Texas, United States E-mail: Contact
Comments: I am currently looking around for an illustrator for children’s books. I saw your photos of illustrations on a Facebook group and it led me here. :
Admin reply: Thank you Robyn for your message .. I've just sent you an email.
Added: October 18, 2022
Submitted by Name: Robert Romig From: Alaska, U.S.A. E-mail: Contact
Comments: I have written a children's book and need about thirty illustrations. Would you be interested in drawing them?
Admin reply: Thank you for your message . Perhaps you could send me an e-mail with more precisions concerning your book projects
Added: August 13, 2022
Submitted by Name: Ken From: Gardner E-mail: Contact
Comments: Wonder whimsical paintings.
Admin reply: Thank you very much Ken ... I'm really touched
Added: June 11, 2022
Submitted by Name: Angela Bryson From: WV E-mail: Contact
Comments: I am looking for an illustrator for children’s books I have written. They are listed on Amazon under, Aisha’s Majestic Trampoline. Would you be interested in working with me? Thank you, Angela Bryson
Admin reply: Will send you an email
Added: January 25, 2022
Submitted by Name: Julio Silva From: Brasil E-mail: Contact
Comments: Olá! Parabéns pelo website. Belos trabalhos. Obrigado!
Admin reply: Obrigado Julio
Added: January 10, 2022
Submitted by Name: Glenn Allen Spayth From: East Tennessee, USA E-mail: Contact
Comments: Saw your post on the children's book site, I'm currently working on a second children's book in a series. The first came out recently on Amazon Rudy a pack rats story. I did most of the illustrations not great. But ok. Thinking I'd be interested in getting someone to do them on this book. I have no idea as to the cost, and all that. If you'd be interested holler at me, maybe some info. Thank you, Glenn
Admin reply: Thank you Glenn for your message .. Will email you asap ..
Added: December 10, 2021
Submitted by Name: Saragoni From: Reims E-mail: Contact
Comments: J'adore toutes tes illustrations Caroline tu es une artiste tes mains sont de l'or. Tu nous fais voyager avec tes dessins. Bravo ma belle bonne continuation et réussite je te souhaite le meilleur
Admin reply: Merci beaucoup Rachel, tes bons mots me vont droit au coeur
Added: December 6, 2021
Submitted by Name: Melanie J. Vogel From: Maryland E-mail: Contact
Comments: Your illustrations are delightful!
Admin reply: Thank you so much Melanie for your kind words
Added: October 12, 2021
Submitted by Name: Burkhard Carine From: France E-mail: Contact
Comments: Absolutly great job, nice and originals drawings full of imagination I' m a big FAN congratulation
Admin reply: Thank you dear Carine for you kind words .. I'm really touched
Name: France BESSON
E-mail: Contact
Hello Caroline
I am an author (beginner) and I really like your little characters... Humans, like your little girls, little boys. Would you be OK to work together on a collaborative project? Let's say between 12 and 15 drawings? if so, feel free to contact me (I'm already with an ME, so maybe you could look with us to find an agreement?) Thank you for any reply. France
Admin reply: Thank you very much for your comment